Improvements and bug fixes

We have made a series of improvements to your user and navigation experience within our INX Core products, including the launch of our modern, new look to our product interfaces.

With the INX IGNITION JULY 2024 upgrade, you will find:

  • Our new, printer-friendly product logos

  • Consistent descriptive text in our browser tabs so you can easily identify the product you are in and what it does

  • If you have INX Identity enabled, you can navigate back to INX Cloud using our new chevron menu from within our INX Core products.



Bug fixes

Click on a product below to view fixes

Access the Action List tab while adding an Action System Label value

Users were expierencing an error that prevented a request being processed in a Risk review. This error would occur when adding a value under the Custom Label for an Action System Label, and then attempting to access the Action List tab.  You can now access the Action List tab on the Risk Review as expected and the value added to the Custom Label is processed as expected.

Performance improvements on the Workflow Requests page

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX InControl. The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables.  This fix has delivered noticable page performance improvements.

Download attachments button only appears when there are attachments to download

When navigating to the Attachments tab within a Person Profile, the Download Bulk Attachments button would appear even when no attachments were available. Pressing this button would result in a 500 error, when there were no attachements available to download.  The button will now only be displayed when attachments are available to download.

Closed event types will appear when transitioning Event Reports

When transitioning Event Reports to a Closed status, certain event types that were not assigned to an Event Type Category were not being reflected in the user interface until the page is manually refreshed. We have applied a fix and the action of transitioning Event Reports to Closed status will reflect in the user interface as expected. 

Search for open actions assigned to an active person

When searching for open actions assigned to an active person in Event Maintenance within INX InControl, users were experiencing timeouts that would result in in 500 error. We have optimised the search query to increase the performance. The 500 errors will now no longer appear.

Navigation improvements while using Manage Favourites

When users navigate to Manage Favourites and view list of people within a Favourites List in INX InControl, selecting an anchor tag link incorrectly directed users to the relevant Person Profile page in a different product.

We have applied so users will be directed to the relevant Person Profile page and remain within INX InControl when navigating to Manage Favourites and selecting an anchor tag.

Search for a person in the People Selector window while adding a file note to an insurance case

When attempting to add a file note to an insurance case, users were previously encountering an error when searching for a person in the People Selector window.

This now works as expected and users can successfully search for a person in the People Selector window while performing this action.

Improvements and bug fixes


New 'Actual Approver' field in INX+Process
Moodle username creation within INX+Process 
Security updates to our INX InTuition training API
New ChangedBy field added to audit reports in INX InTuition  
Validate Username and LookupName fields to reduce duplicate profiles 

We have made a series of improvements to your user and navigation experience within our INX Core products, including the launch of our modern, new look to our product interfaces.

With the INX IGNITION JULY 2024 upgrade, you will find:

  • Our new, printer-friendly product logos

  • Consistent descriptive text in our browser tabs so you can easily identify the product you are in and what it does

  • If you have INX Identity enabled, you can navigate back to INX Cloud using our new chevron menu from within our INX Core products.

We have introduced a new field in INX+Process, Actual Approver, so users can see who the actual or assigned approver of the submitted request was.

The Approver Details tab was previously incorrectly displaying the approver that was assigned or selected as part of the workflow.

We are delighted to share that we have applied security updates to our training API. These updates include patches and enhancements to address potential security vulnerabilities and improve the overall stability and reliability of our API.

Synk is a leading security platform that helps us to proactively identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in our codebase and dependencies. By regularly integrating Synk into our system, we ensure our training API remains secure and robust, providing you with a safe and reliable platform for all your training needs.

We are committed to continuously enhancing our security and performance of our products, and these Synk updates are part of our ongoing efforts to deliver the best possible experience for our users.

We have implemented an audit report in INX InTuition to indicate when records are changed within Advanced Competencies. Our reports will now include a ChangedBy field that will identify the user that changed the record, providing you transparency on record changes.

The creation and editing of people profiles within INX+Process now automatically triggers the creation of INX+Moodle usernames. This allows your workforce faster access to complete required online learning and removes the duplication of a task by your system administrators.

You no longer need to navigate back to a person profile within INX InControl, INX InFlight or INX InTuition to manually trigger an INX+Moodle username to be created when the profile is created via INX+Process. 

We have applied a validation method to the Username and LookupName fields within the User Management pages to identify and rectify duplicate security records. This is available for INX InControl, INX InFlight and INX InTuition so data is consistent and clean across these applications.

INX Core application navigation and user experience improvements  



Save multiple people to a Favourites List

When adding multiple people to a Favourites List within the User Favourites, users would receive an error message and profiles were not saving to the list. This is now working as expected, all selected people will be saved and users will no longer see an error message.

Download attachments when navigating to the Attachments tab

When navigating to the Attachments tab within a Person Profile, the Download Bulk Attachments button would appear even when no attachments were available. Pressing this button would result in a 500 error, when there were no attachements available to download. The button will now only be displayed when attachments are available to download.

Latency improvements in Workflow Requests

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX InFlight. The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables.  This fix has delivered noticable page performance improvements. 


Performance improvements on the Workflow Requests page

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX+Process.  The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables.  This fix has delivered noticeable page performance improvements. 

Work Port end dates for Standing Flights are now displaying in the Port Selection options

When previously adding a short-term booking, users found that relevant Work Ports with Standing Flights that had a future end date were not appearing in the Port Selection options.

Work Ports with Standing Flights that have future end dates will now correctly display in the Port Selection dropdown when adding short term bookings. This ensures users have a more accurate booking process within INX+Process, allowing you to easily select the appropriate ports for flights.

Enforcement of workflow settings

Users reported that assigning security roles specific to individual workflows were not operating as expected. The led to users being able to take actions on workflows outside of their designated security jurisdiction.

We have enhanced the integrity and security of INX+Process, where users will now have the confidence their workflow security settings will be enforced as intended.

Improved Delete Draft workflow functionality

We had identified a performance issue that was causing the Delete Draft workflow functionality to fail.

A query adjustment has been applied so your draft workflows can be deleted as expected. This workflow can be configured in the System Settings within INX+Process.

View inactive Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs) in the Show History panel

Users have previously been unable to view Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs) within the Show History panel once they were marked inactive. Inactive SEGs are now displaying as expected in the panel so you can see all SEGs, regardless of their activity status.

Validation & removal of unsupported characters
when syncing course or procedure names from INX
InTuition to Moodle

An error was reported when syncing a User (during the scheduled task ‘Synchronise users task’) and Course (during the scheduled task ‘Synchronise external database enrolments
task’) from INX InTuition to Moodle.

This was caused by invalid characters or null values within the Name or MoodleUsername fields. The MoodleUsername field is automatically genrerated using the First Name and Last Name fields. When a course or procedure is created or updated within INX InTuition, a validation of the fields will occur automatically to remove any unsupported characters. We have also implemented a warning message for users when they attempt to save with an empty field: Warning! Please enter at least one alphanumeric character in Course Name. It cannot be left empty.

Improved user synchronisation performance between INX InTuition and Moodle

Users reported experiencing slowdowns and issues particularly when syncing a large number of users. We have developed a robust solution that significantly improves the user sync process. We have introduced a precalculated table to store the list of users to be synced with Moodle. This approach ensures the user sync operations run efficiently, even when dealing with a substantial volume of user data.Users can now expect faster and more reliable synchronisation between INX InTuition and Moodle.

Profiles with empty Network or Moodle usernames excluded from sync process

An error would occur during the sync process between Moodle and INX InTuition if any profiles contained an empty Network or Moodle username field. Profiles with an empty Network and Moodle username field will now be excluded from the sync process, and profiles will only be synced when they contain a value in either of those fields.

Performance improvements on Workflow Requests page

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX InTution. The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables. This fix has delivered noticable page performance improvements. 

New file extension validation so .exe files are not permitted for upload

We have enhanced security within INX InTuition, where users were reporting that they were able to upload .exe files into the documents table. To mitigate this potential security risk, we have implemented a file extension validation. When users attempt to upload files, INX InTuition will validate the file extension and .exe files will not be permitted to be upload. This strengthens our security measures within INX InTuition, safeguarding against potential threats posed by unauthorised file uploads.

Update name or location of a Procedure reflect in Moodle

When users successful updated the name or location of a Procedure within the Procedures folder in INX InTuition, the corresponding change was not reflected in the Moodle interface.

We have introduced a warning message to notify users about this limitation as a workaround to direct code changes not being feasible in Moodle.

When updating the name or location of a Procedure, users will now see the following warning message: Warning! Any changes to Procedure Name or Folder Location will not be reflected in Moodle. Please make these changes via Moodle to ensure data integrity.

The warning aims to ensure data consistency and integrity between INX InTuition and INX+Moodle by prompting users to replicate these changes in Moodle when necessary.

Performance improvements on the Workflow Requests page

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX InTution. The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables. This fix has delivered noticable page performance improvements. 

Download attachments when navigating to the Attachments tab

When navigating to the Attachments tab within a Person Profile, users were able to select the Download Bulk Attachments button on the page when no attachments were available. This would result in a 500 error. The button will now only be displayed when attachments are available to download.

Navigation improvements while using Manage Favourites

When users navigate to Manage Favourites and view list of people within a Favourites List in INX InTuition, selecting an anchor tag incorrectly directed users to the relevant Person Profile page in a different product.

We have applied so users will be directed to the relevant Person Profile page & remain within INX InTuition when navigating to Manage Favourites & selecting an anchor tag. 

Access INX Academy from within INX InForm

We have improved how you can access INX Academy from within INX InForm, and you can now expect to be directed to the correct URL from the heading bar at the top of the screen. This gives you seamless access to our training resources through our on-demand, online training solution.

Associated Child Sites now included when assigning User Security

Users encountered an issue when assigning User Security through the Communications Report ‘Site Security’, where assigning a Parent Site did not automatically include the Child Sites in the Security jurisdiction. This required users to manually assign security to each individual Child Site, leading to potential oversights. 

All associated Child Sites are now automatically included in the Security jurisidiction when assigning User Security and Parent Sites. This eliminates the need for users to individually assign security to each Child Site, streamlining the process and reducing errors.

Performance improvements when deleting tasks

All tasks were being deleted when a site filter was applied and items were selected using the Select All checkbox. Once deleted, the Delete Task Confirmation pop-up was displaying the incorrect count.

The correct tasks are now being deleted once the Select All checkbox is used, and the correct count is displaying in the confirmation pop-up.

Task count accuracy and filter improvements when bulk reassigning tasks

When bulk reassigning tasks on the Tasks page, the task count would be previously inaccurate when using the Select All checkbox with a site filter applied. Once selected, modifications were applied to all entries, disregarding the filter. 

The task count now accurately reflects only the tasks relevant to the selected site, ensuring accuracy in totals. When making modifications, the system no longer affects all entries; it selectively changes only those pertinent to the filter.

Download attachments button only appears when there are attachments to download

When navigating to the Attachments tab within a Person Profile, the Download Bulk Attachments button would appear even when no attachments were available. Pressing this button would result in a 500 error, when there were no attachements available to download.  The button will now only be displayed when attachments are available to download.

Closed event types will appear when transitioning Event Reports

When transitioning Event Reports to a Closed status, certain event types that were not assigned to an Event Type Category were not being reflected in the user interface until the page is manually refreshed. We have applied a fix and the action of transitioning Event Reports to Closed status will reflect in the user interface as expected. 

Search for open actions assigned to an active person

When searching for open actions assigned to an active person in Event Maintenance within INX InControl, users were experiencing timeouts that would result in in 500 error. We have optimised the search query to increase the performance. The 500 errors will now no longer appear.

Performance improvements on the Workflow Requests page

There have been reported latency issues on the Workflow Requests page in INX InControl. The latency has been improved by implementing four indices on the Workflow Request and Workflow Request Stage database tables.  This fix has delivered noticable page performance improvements.

Navigation improvements while using Manage Favourites

When users navigate to Manage Favourites and view list of people within a Favourites List in INX InControl, selecting an anchor tag link incorrectly directed users to the relevant Person Profile page in a different product.

We have applied so users will be directed to the relevant Person Profile page and remain within INX InControl when navigating to Manage Favourites and selecting an anchor tag.

Access the Action List tab while adding an Action System Label value

Users were expierencing an error that prevented a request being processed in a Risk review. This error would occur when adding a value under the Custom Label for an Action System Label, and then attempting to access the Action List tab.  You can now access the Action List tab on the Risk Review as expected and the value added to the Custom Label is processed as expected.

Search for a person in the People Selector window while adding a file note to an insurance case

When attempting to add a file note to an insurance case, users were previously encountering an error when searching for a person in the People Selector window.

This now works as expected and users can successfully search for a person in the People Selector window while performing this action.

Click on a product ABOVE to view fixes

Bug fixes